Adobe Indesign Graphic Design

InDesigncan import a wide range of graphics file formats. Consult with the serviceproviders who will help you produce your document to clarify which formatsto use. You can then plan your document around those formats andthe options that best apply to your project.

I am an Adobe Certified Instructor and an Adobe Certified Expert for InDesign and I work as a professional graphic designer. This course is about advanced features, productivity & workflow speed tricks using Adobe InDesign. This course is not for people brand new to InDesign. It’s for people who already know and understand the fundamentals. Graphic design software for professional drawing and illustration. Create artwork, icons, posters, packaging, and more. Make infinitely scalable designs for use in everything from business cards to billboards, or smartphones to 8K screens. Adobe Illustrator. Choose the Selection tool in the Tools panel and click the vector object to select it. In the Text Wrap panel, select the second icon, Wrap around bounding box. The text will automatically align to the bounding box around the vector object. To undo text wrap, select the first icon, No text wrap.

The following table summarizes what graphics formats would workbest for the kind of document you’re designing.


Final output

Graphics type


High resolution (>1000dpi)

Vector drawings

Illustrator, EPS, PDF

Bitmap images

Photoshop, TIFF, EPS, PDF

Process-color separations

Vector drawings

Illustrator, EPS, PDF

Color bitmap images


Color-managed graphics

Illustrator, Photoshop, RGB TIFF, RGB EPS,PDF

Low-resolution printing, or PDF for onlineviewing


Any (BMP images only)



Any (InDesign converts graphics to JPEGand GIF when exporting to HTML)

Vectorgraphics (sometimes called vector shapes or vectorobjects) are made up of lines and curves definedby mathematical objects called vectors, which describe animage according to its geometric characteristics.

You can freely move or modify vector graphics without losingdetail or clarity, because they are resolution-independent—theymaintain crisp edges when resized, printed to a PostScript printer,saved in a PDF file, or imported into a vector-based graphics application.As a result, vector graphics are the best choice for artwork, suchas logos, that will be used at various sizes and in various output media.

The vector objects you create using the drawing and shape toolsin Adobe Creative Suite are examples of vectorgraphics. You can use the Copy and Paste commands to duplicate vectorgraphics betweenCreative Suite components.

  • Using a selection tool, select one or more objects, and then choose File Export. From the Save As Type (Windows) or Format (Mac OS) menu, choose InDesign Snippet. Type a name for the file and click Save. Using a selection tool, select one or more objects, and then drag the selection to your desktop.
  • Program: InDesign is the easiest option for creating print-ready designs that are sharp and accurate, with Illustrator as the second choice. Although every designer has his or her own style, there are some basic dos and don’ts to remember about each of the three core Adobe Creative programs, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Bitmapimages—technically called raster images—use a rectangulargrid of picture elements (pixels) to represent images. Each pixelis assigned a specific location and color value. When working withbitmap images, you edit pixels rather than objects or shapes. Bitmapimages are the most common electronic medium for continuous-toneimages, such as photographs or digital paintings, because they canmore efficiently represent subtle gradations of shades and color.

Bitmap images are resolution-dependent—that is, they containa fixed number of pixels. As a result, they can lose detail andappear jagged if they are scaled to high magnifications on‑screenor if they are printed at a lower resolution than they were createdfor.

Example of a bitmap image at different levels of magnification

Bitmap images sometimes require large amounts of storage space,and often need to be compressed to keep file sizes down when usedin certain Creative Suite components. Forinstance, you compress an image file in its original applicationbefore you import it into a layout.


In Adobe Illustrator, you can create bitmap effects in yourartwork using effects and graphic styles.

Bitmap images contain a fixed number of pixels,usually measured in pixels per inch (ppi). An image with a highresolution contains more, and therefore smaller, pixels than animage of the same printed dimensions with a low resolution. For example,a 1‑inch‑by‑1‑inch image with a resolution of 72 ppicontains a total of 5184 pixels (72 pixels wide x 72 pixels high= 5184). The same 1‑inch‑by‑1‑inch image with a resolution of 300 ppiwould contain a total of 90,000 pixels.

For imported bitmapimages, image resolution is determined by the source file. For bitmapeffects, you can specify a custom resolution. To determine the image resolutionto use, consider the medium of final distribution for the image.The following guidelines can help you determine your requirementsfor image resolution:

Commercialprinting requires 150 to 300 ppi (or more) images, dependingon the press (dpi) and screen frequency (lpi) you’re using; alwaysconsult your prepress service provider before making production decisions.Because commercial printing requires large, high-resolution images, whichtake more time to display while you’re working with them, you maywant to use low-resolution versions for layout and then replacethem with high-resolution versions at print time.

In Illustratorand InDesign, you can work with low resolution versions by using theLinks panel. In InDesign you can choose either Typical or Fast Displayfrom the View > Display Performance menu; in Illustratoryou can choose View > Outline. Alternatively, if yourservice provider supports Open Prepress Interface (OPI), they mayprovide low-resolution images to you.

Desktop printing usually requires images within the rangeof 72 ppi (for photographs printed on a 300 ppi printer)to 150 ppi (for photographs printed on devices up to 1000 ppi).For line art (1‑bit images), make sure that the resolution of yourgraphics matches the resolution of the printer.

Becauseonline publishing generally requires images with pixel dimensionsthat fit the intended monitor, the images are usually less than 500pixels wide and 400 pixels tall, to leave room for browser windowcontrols or such layout elements as captions. Creating an originalimage at screen resolution—96 ppi for Windows–based images,and 72 ppi for Mac OS–based images—lets you seethe image as it will likely appear when viewed from a typical webbrowser. When you’re publishing online, the only times you’re likely toneed resolutions above those ranges are when you want viewers tobe able to zoom in for more detail in a PDF document, or when you’reproducing a document for printing on demand.

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), found on video cards and as part of display systems, is a specialized processor that can rapidly execute commands for manipulating and displaying images.

GPU-accelerated computing offers faster performance across a broad range of design, animation, and video applications.
This means that InDesign runs faster and smoother than ever before.

To use GPU Performance, your Mac should have a minimum of 1024 MB of VRAM (2 GB recommended), and your computer must support Metal or minimum OpenGL version 4.0 or greater.

Metal capable GPU feature is not available to all users as it is being rolled out in a phased manner from 16.2 or later.

Supported machines

  • iMac 4K
  • iMac 5K
  • MacBook Pro Retina
  • Mac Pro connected to a HiDPI monitor
  • Mac mini connected to a HiDPI monitor

To check for VRAM values:

  • Mac 10.9: Choose Mac > About This Mac > More Info (Graphics information).
  • Mac 10.10, 10.11: Choose Mac > About This Mac (Graphics information).

To find out if your computer supports the required OpenGL version (4.0 or later), see this Apple Support document.

HiDPI monitors are becoming the standard. With the high monitor resolutions, it is getting difficult for CPU to handle the rendering.

Also, InDesign’s default display performance has always been set to Typical Quality. Due to this you do not see the images placed in the document in their full fidelity. This was done to provide you with optimum performance when you perform operations like zooming, scrolling, panning etc.

This is where the GPU comes into play. Rendering on high-density displays is best handled by the GPU. GPU acceleration makes the rendering of the documents faster while zooming, scrolling, and panning. With the GPU enhancements, InDesign now shows images in their fullest fidelity without compromising the performance.


If your system has a compatible GPU card, InDesign renders the document using the GPU by default and sets the Display Performance to High Quality.

The enhanced performance from using the GPU in InDesign powers features like Animated Zoom which make zoom actions smooth and animated. Here is how it works:

Select the zoom tool (Z), and do one of the following:

  • Press and hold down the mouse button (long press) to zoom in to the center. Press Option and hold down the mouse button (long press) to zoom out.
  • Press and drag the pointer to the right to zoom in or to the left to zoom out.
  • Press Shift to switch to marquee zoom mode.

In Preferences, if your computer meets the system requirements for GPU Performance, GPU option will be ON by default, however, you can always choose to switch to CPU mode and disable the GPU to perform any manual process. To do so, follow these instructions to disable the feature:

  1. In the application bar, click the GPU Performance icon to display the GPU Performance settings in the Preferences panel.

  2. Clear (to disable) the GPU Performance check box and click OK.

Adobe Illustrator For Graphic Design

When the GPU Performance feature is enabled, you can switch (Ctrl + E) between the GPU Preview mode and the CPU Preview mode.

  • To switch to GPU Preview, choose View > GPU Preview.
  • To switch to CPU Preview, choose View > Preview on CPU.
You can also toggle between GPU preview mode and Overprint preview mode by using the Command+Option+Shift+Y shortcut.

You can change GPU Performance feature settings in the Preferences panel.

Besides enabling or disabling GPU Performance, here are other GPU Performance settings you can modify in the Preferences panel:

Adobe photoshop graphic design
  • Animated Zoom: Select this check box to make zoom actions smooth and animated.

Best Adobe For Graphic Design

InDesign support for macOS Metal API significantly boosts the performance, and increases the response time on systems with Apple silicon M1 chip.