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Basic configuration and maintenance tasks can be performed from the pfSense®system console. The console is available using a keyboard and monitor, serialconsole, or by using SSH. Access methods vary depending on hardware. Below is anexample of what the console menu will look like, but it may vary slightlydepending on the version and platform:

Page Contents

This option restarts the Interface Assignment task, which is covered indetail in Assign Interfaces andManually Assigning Interfaces. This menu option can create VLANinterfaces, reassign existing interfaces, or assign new ones.

The script to set an interface IP address can set WAN, LAN, or OPT interface IPaddresses, but there are also other useful features of this script:

  • The firewall prompts to enable or disable DHCP service for an interface, andto set the DHCP IP address range if it is enabled.

  • If the firewall GUI is configured for HTTPS, the menu prompts to switch toHTTP. This helps in cases when the SSL configuration is not functioningproperly.

  • If the anti-lockout rule on LAN has been disabled, the script enables theanti-lockout rule in case the user has been locked out of the GUI.

This menu option invokes a script to reset the admin account password andstatus. The password is reset to the default value of pfsense.

The script also takes a few other actions to help regain entry to the firewall:

  • If the GUI authentication source is set to a remote server such as RADIUS orLDAP, it prompts to return the authentication source to the Local Database.

  • If the admin account has been removed, the script re-creates the account.

  • If the admin account is disabled, the script re-enables the account.

This menu choice restores the system configuration to factory defaults. It willalso attempt to remove any installed packages.

This action is also available in WebGUI at Diagnostics > Factory Defaults.

See Resetting to Factory Defaults for more details about how this process works.

This menu choice cleanly shuts down the firewall and restarts the operatingsystem. There are several options which control what the firewall will do whenrebooting. The choices offered by the reboot option are explained inReboot Methods.


See also

This action is also available in WebGUI at Diagnostics >Reboot, see Rebooting the Firewall for details.

This menu choice cleanly shuts down the firewall and either halts or powers off,depending on hardware support.


The best practice is to never cut power from a running system.Halting before removing power is always the safest choice.

See also

This action is also available in WebGUI at Diagnostics >Halt System. See Halting and Powering Off the Firewall for additional details.

This menu option runs a script which attempts to contact a host to confirm if itis reachable by the firewall through a connected network. The script prompts theuser for an IP address, and then the script sends that target host three ICMPecho requests.

The script displays output from the test, including the number of packetsreceived, sequence numbers, response times, and packet loss percentage.

The script uses ping when given an IPv4 address or a hostname, andping6 when given an IPv6 address.

This is only a basic ping test. For more options, see Ping Hostto run a similar test from the GUI.

This menu choice starts a command line shell.


A shell is very useful and very powerful, but also has thepotential to be very dangerous.


The majority of users do not need to touch the shell, or even know itexists.

Complex configuration tasks may require working in the shell, and sometroubleshooting tasks are easier to accomplish from the shell, but there isalways a chance of causing irreparable harm to the system.

Veteran FreeBSD users may feel slightly at home there, but there are manycommands which are not present on pfSense software installations sinceunnecessary parts of the OS are removed for security and size constraints.

A shell started in this manner uses tcsh, and the only other shell availableis sh . While it is possible to install other shells for the convenience ofusers, Netgate neither recommends nor supports using other shells.

This menu option invokes pftop which displays a real-time view of thefirewall states, and the amount of data they have sent and received. It can helppinpoint sessions currently using large amounts of bandwidth, and may also helpdiagnose other network connection issues.

See also

See Viewing States with pfTop for more informationon how to use pfTop.

The Filter Logs menu option displays firewall log entries in real-time, intheir raw form. The raw logs contain much more information per line than the logview in the WebGUI (Status > System Logs, Firewall tab), but not all ofthis information is easy to read.


For a simplified console view of the firewall logs in real time withlow detail, use the following shell command:

Restarting the webConfigurator will restart the system process that runs the GUI(nginx). In extremely rare cases the process may have stopped, andrestarting it will restore access to the GUI.

If the GUI is not responding and this option does not restore access, invokemenu option 16 to Restart PHP-FPM after using this menu option.

The PHP shell is a powerful utility that executes PHP code in the context of therunning system. As with the normal shell, it is also potentially dangerous touse. This is primarily used by developers and experienced users who areintimately familiar with both PHP and the pfSense software code base.

Playback Scripts¶

There are several playback scripts for the PHP Shell that automate simple tasksor enable access to the GUI.

These scripts are run from within the PHP shell like so:

They may also be run from the command line:


This script changes the password for a user, and also prompts to reset theaccount properties if it is disabled or expired.

disablecarp / enablecarp¶

These scripts disable and enable CARP high availability functions, and willdeactivate CARP type Virtual IP addresses. This action does not persist acrossreboots.

disablecarpmaint / enablecarpmaint¶

These scripts disable and enable CARP maintenance mode, which leaves CARP activebut demotes this unit so the other node can assume control. This maintenancemode will persist across reboots.


This script removes all DHCP configuration from the firewall, effectivelydisabling the DHCP service and completely removing all of its settings.


This script disables the HTTP_REFERER check mentioned inBrowser HTTP_REFERER enforcement. This can help gain access to the GUI if abrowser session is triggering this protection.


This script adds an allow all rule for IPv4 and IPv6 to the WAN interface.


Be extremely careful with this option, it is meant to be atemporary measure to gain access to services on the WAN interface of thefirewall in situations where the LAN is not usable. Once proper access rulesare put in place, remove the rules added by this script.


This script enables the SSH daemon, the same as the console menu option or GUIoption.


This script will look for a config.xml file on an external device, such as aUSB thumb drive, and will move it in place for use by the firewall.


This script prints the current gateway status and statistics. It also accepts anoptional parameter brief which prints only the gateway name and status,omitting the addresses and statistical data.


This script creates a new self-signed certificate for the firewall and activatesit for use in the GUI. This is useful in cases where the previous certificate isinvalid or otherwise not usable. It also fills in the certificate details usingthe firewall hostname and other custom information, to better identify the host.


This complex script synchronizes the PHP and other script sources with filesfrom the pfSense github repository. It is most useful on development snapshotsto pick up changes from more recent commits.


Macos Uninstall Pkg

This script can be dangerous to use in other circumstances. Onlyuse this under the direction of a knowledgeable developer or supportrepresentative.

If the script is run without any parameters it will print a help messageoutlining its use. More information can be found at Using gitsync to Update pfSense Between Snapshots.

installpkg / listpkg / uninstallpkg¶

These scripts interface with the package system in a similar way to the GUI.These are primarily used for debugging package issues, comparing information inconfig.xml compared to the package database.


This script recursively searches through pf anchors and prints any NAT orfirewall rules it finds. This can help track down unexpected behavior in areassuch as UPnP which rely on rules in anchors that are not otherwise visible inthe GUI.


This script prints the contents of all pf tables, which contain addressesused in firewall aliases as well as built-in system tables for features such asbogon network blocking, snort, and GUI/SSH lockout. This script is useful forchecking if a specific IP address is found in any table, rather than searchingindividually.


This script removes all traces of package configuration data from the runningconfig.xml. This can be useful if a package has corrupted settings or hasotherwise left the packages in an inconsistent state.


This script removes ALTQ traffic shaper settings, which can be useful if theshaper configuration is preventing rules from loading or is otherwise incorrectand preventing proper operation of the firewall.


This script resets the GUI settings for widgets, dashboard columns, the theme,and other GUI-related settings. It can return the GUI, particularly thedashboard, to a stable state if it is not functioning properly.


This script disables and re-enables each WAN-type interface, which reappliesthe interface configuration.


This script stops and restarts the DHCP daemon.


This script rewrites and reloads the IPsec configuration for strongSwan.


This script controls the services running on the firewall, similar tointeracting with services at Status > Services.

The general form of the command is:

The action can be stop, start, or restart.

The service name is the name of the services as found under Status >Services. If the name includes a space, enclose the name in quotes.

The service-specific options vary depending on the service, they are usedto uniquely identify services with multiple instances, such as OpenVPN orCaptive Portal entries.


  • Stop miniupnpd:

  • Restart OpenVPN client with ID 2:

  • Start the Captive Portal process for zone “MyZone”:

This menu option runs the pfSense-upgrade script to upgrade the firewallto the latest available version. This is operationally identical to runningan upgrade from the GUI and requires a working network connection to reach theupdate server.

This method of upgrading is covered with more detail inUpgrading using the Console.

This option toggles the status of the Secure Shell Daemon, sshd. This optionworks the same as the option in the WebGUI to enable or disable SSH.

Uninstall Pkg Mac

This menu option starts a script that lists and restores backups from theconfiguration history. This is similar to accessing the configuration historyfrom the GUI at Diagnostics > Backup/Restore on the Config History tab(Restoring from the Config History).

This script can display the last few configuration files, along with a timestampand description of the change made in the configuration, the user and IP addressthat made the change, and the config revision. This is especially useful if arecent configuration error accidentally prevented access to the GUI.

This menu option stops and restarts the daemon which handles PHP processes fornginx. If the GUI web server process is running but unable to execute PHPscripts, invoke this option. Run this option in conjunction with RestartwebConfigurator for the best result.

You know how it is: you bought that MacBook with a small drive just to keep the cost down, and now you’re running out of space. Well, UninstallPKG ($6.99) can help by removing apps completely — including all of the files that installers throw into your System Folder that usually aren’t cleaned up when you drag an app to the Trash. This inexpensive app can keep you from a costly upgrade!

UninstallPKG is an application that allows you to completely remove so-called “packages” (file-extension .pkg) and all their installed contents from your Mac. Use it to reclaim precious disk-space by removing unwanted functionality like unused printer drivers or completely remove applications you no longer use. This app can also keep your Mac clean by removing left-over files from applications that you have already partially removed manually.

Windows Uninstaller Program

4.8/5 stars, MacUpdate: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Uninstall App

  • Completely remove so called “packages” & all their installed contents

  • Remove unwanted functionality like unused printer drivers

  • Completely remove applications so you no longer use

  • Remove left-over files from manually removed apps

  • Remove all 37,290 files of Office 2016 at once

  • Completely remove things like Java or the Flash plugin

  • Remove apps from the Dock & LoginItems and erase the files it generated

Uninstallpkg Crack

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