Typewriter Keyboard

Learn to Type Faster. This web application will help you to learn touch typing which means typing through muscle memory without using the sense of sight to find the keys. It can improve your typing speed and accuracy dramatically. The opposite is hunt and peck typing, a method of typing in which you look at the keyboard instead of the screen and use only the index fingers. Muscular loading and subjective ratings of muscular tension by novices when typing with standard and split-design computer keyboards, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 4, 387-394.

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Typewriter Keyboard

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Keyboard That Looks Like Typewriter


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Online Typewriter Keyboard

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Typewriter Keyboard Layout History

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Typewriter Keyboard For Ipad

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Our USB Typewriter circuitry transforms beautiful old manual typewriters into retro-futuristic marvels. Now you can use a gorgeous vintage typewriter as the main keyboard for your Mac or PC computer. If you need a break from your digital devices, you can type with good old fashioned ink-on-paper while electronically recording your manuscript to an SD card. The USB Typewriter also makes an outstanding keyboard dock for your iPad or tablet computer, and the built-in Bluetooth feature lets you connect to smartphones, too.
We have many lovingly restored and converted USB Typewriters ready for purchase in our Typewriter Shop. Or, if you already have a typewriter and you think it may be due for an upgrade, we also offer an easy-to-install USB Conversion Kit

Typewriter Keyboard For Ipad

After a lengthy hiatus, USB Typewriter kits are now available again in our shop as of August 2020.

Typewriter Keyboard Rgb