Vi Commands Cheat Sheet

Linux vi commands cheat sheet pdf

This cheat sheet is intended to be a quick reminder for the main concepts involved in using the command line program Vim (or vi) and assumes you already understand its usage. It does not cover every command in Vim, only the ones we consider to be useful for most people for the majority of their text editing. The cheat sheet and tutorial cover most important functions of vi's input model, leaving out the more advanced regular expressions/ex command line material. This should be a very good beginning to becoming a vi/vim wizard. This go-to Vim cheat sheet is trimmed down to the essential commands. Get started - Expect to struggle at first. A better way - Ditch those one-page pdf cheat sheets that are too condensed and confuse beginners. Modes - Simplify hundreds of command combinations by starting with four modes. BASIC VI COMMANDS To Start vi 1. Vi filename Create or Edit filename starting at line 1 2. Vi -r filename Recover filename that was being edited when system crashed To Exit vi 1.:x Quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation 2.:wq Quit vi, writing out modified file to file named in original invocation.

Vi Commands cheat sheet will be your ultimate guide and you need to make sure that you remember and make notes of it. If you want to know Vi editor or Vi commands in general, cheat sheet will be your help.

You can also check our computer cheat sheetsto improve your skills.

Vi Commands Cheat Sheet

Vi Cheat: Basic Information

  • I – Inserts the text at beginning of text line and not on the beginning column of vi screen
  • a – Appends to end of right of cursor
  • A – Appends at end of current line
  • – Starts a new line below current line
  • – Drops current line and starts a new one in its place

Vi Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

For Vi replace, here is another Vi cheat that you should know.

  • cw – Vi replace the single word from current cursor position. In replacing the whole word, put the cursor on th 1st character of word.
  • c$ – replace current line; however, it does not extend in changing rest of the wrapped sentence on screen
  • r – Vi Replace the character under cursor
  • R – Replaced text on same line until Esc is pressed; however, it does not change the text on next line. What it does it that it pushes to ahead of current changes.

For Vi cheat sheets in Vi delete, here are details to help you

  • x – Deletes the single character under cursor
  • X – Deletes the single character before cursor
  • dw – Deletes the single word that is currently under cursor
  • dd –delete line, regardless of cursors position in the line
  • D – Deletes all the text from cursor position to end of line
  • dL – Deletes all the text from cursor position to end of screen
  • dG – Deletes all the text from cursor to EOF
  • d^ – Deletes all the text from beginning of line to cursor

Vi Commands Cheat Sheet

For Vi commands copy & paste, here are the codes and details that important to know:

  • yy – Vi copy line – copies the line of the text to buffer that is unnamed
  • 3yy – In here, it will copy the 3 lines of rhw text to the buffer that is unnamed
  • yw – It will copy the word (under cursor) to the buffer that is unnamed
  • 3yw – Copies three words to unnamed buffer
  • P – It will paste the contents of the buffer that is unnamed to right of cursor
  • p – It will paste the contents of the buffer that is unnamed to left of cursor

Navigation with file: Vi Cheat Sheets

  • H – This is left arrow and it is easy to remember because it is the leftmost key in the 4 key set
  • J – Use this for down arrow
  • K – This is up arrow
  • L – Use this for right arrow

Vi page down

  • Ctrl+F – Vi page down and moves forward the page
  • Ctrl+D – Moves forward half of the page

Vi Page Up

  • Ctrl+B – Vi page up and moves back the page
  • Ctrl+U – Moves backward of the half-page

Named and Unnamed Buffers

  • “ayy – Pulls the line of named buffer
  • “Ayy – Appends current line to buffer
  • “A3yy – Pulls 3 lines from current cursor position as well as appends lines to A buffer
  • “ap – Pastes buffer to right of cursor

If you are asking how to do a cheat, it is easy. You just combine all the information with the codes and organize it. After that, you already have the cheat sheet you want that will guide you.

Vi Editor Commands Pdf

Finally, do not forget to check out some IT cheat sheet tips to help you on what you still need to know. It gives you ideas on what you do and what you consider.

Vi Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

Use our VI commands cheat sheet today!